Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013


Information technology is a technology that is used to process the data , including processing, obtain , compile, store , manipulate data in different ways to produce quality information , the information is relevant , accurate and timely , which is used for personal , educational , business , and the government and is a strategic information for decision making . This technology uses a computer to process the data , the network system to connect one computer to another computer as needed , and the use of telecommunications technology so that data can be distributed and accessed globally . Roles that can be provided by the application of information technology and communication technology is getting information to personal life such as information about health , hobbies , recreation , and spiritual . Then for professions such as science , technology , trade , business news , and professional associations . Means of cooperation between individuals or groups with one person or a group of others without knowing the limits of distance and time , country , race , economic class , ideology or other factors that may hinder the exchange of thoughts . The development of information technology and communication technology spur a new way of life , from the beginning until the end of life , life as it is known by e - life, meaning of life has been influenced by a variety of electronic needs . And now these are lively with various letters that start with the prefix e - like e - commerce , e -government , e-education , e - library , e -journals , e -medicine , e - laboratory , e - biodiversitiy , and others again based electronics . EVOLUTION OF GLOBAL ECONOMY 1 . Agriculture economics , until two hundred years ago the world economy is agrarian in which one of its main characteristics is the ground is the most dominant factor . 2 . Industrial Economics , after the industrial revolution , the invention of the steam engine , the global economy has evolved toward an industrial economy with capital as its main characteristic is the most important factor of production . 3 . Information economy , this time , humans tend to occupy a central place in the production process , because the economic phase we are moving into is based on knowledge ( knowledge based) and focuses on the information ( information focused ) . In this case the role of telecommunications and information technology as a key technology ( technology enabler ) . Advances in information technology and telecommunications so rapidly , allowing the implementation of new ways for more efficient production , distribution and consumption of goods and services . It is this process that brings people into the Society or Information Economy . This new community is also often referred to as the post- industrial society . Whatever you call it , in the information age , physical distance or geographical distance is no longer a factor in human relations or inter- agency effort , so that the universe becomes a hamlet universe or " Global village " . So often we hear the term " distance is dead " or " distance is dead " , which became more and more fulfilled . In our lives in the future , information technology and telecommunications sector is the most dominant sector . Anyone who mastered this technology , then he will be a leader in his world .

Technology Releases Since I PELITA technologies such as radio and television broadcasts have been programmed . Indeed, facilities and infrastructure at that time does not exist or has not been adequate, but with the development of broadcasting technologies , such as direct broadcast satellite and re- low-power transmitters , has enabled the achievement of the entire country . This technology continues to develop until the next Pelita , which later evolved with the advent of private television and local broadcast television networks . • Satellite Communications Since 1976 , Indonesia has entered the modern era with the operation SKSD information Palapa I. Satellite communications system is a unique need for Indonesia , because of the circumstances and geography. The basic consideration is the development of this system for the purposes of education, information , entertainment , government , business , defense , and industrial . • The development of computer hardware computer going very fast . In addition muatnya greater power , speed of operation is also higher. If ten years ago microprocessor computer capable of accessing the memory at speeds perjutaan seconds , then the current speed is calculated by permiiliar ( nano ) seconds . Computer desk or personal computer is now no longer seen as a luxury item , but rather as an essential requirement to be able to follow the progress . Arguably no one kantorpun who do not own and operate a computer . • Technology Video ( Video Recorder ) video teknolofi developments in line with the development of communication and computer , although its main orientation is for entertainment purposes . TI AND DEVELOPMENT EXPERTS FORECAST BY TK From the first since before the widespread use of IT and TK in life and in education in particular , experts have revealed his prediction of the use of IT and the kindergarten . Here we discuss some of the predictions of experts . " Globalization has triggered a shift in education from a conventional to-face education towards a more open education " ( M. Mukhopadhyay , 1995) . As an example we look at the French project " Flexible Learning " . This is reminiscent of Ivan Illich forecast early 70s on " Education without school ( Deschooling Socieiy ) , " which is extreme teacher is no longer needed . Bishop G. (1989 ) predicted that the future of education will be supple (flexible ) , open , and accessible to anyone who requires no view factor type , age , and previous educational experience . Mason R. (1994 ) argue that the future of education will be determined by the information network that allows interaction and collaboration , rather than building schools . Tony Bates ( 1995 ) states that technology can improve the quality and range when used wisely for education and training , and has great significance for the economic well-being . Alisjahbana I. (1966 ) suggested that the approach to education and training will be "At that moment ( Just on Time ) . New teaching techniques will be two-way , collaborative , and inter - disciplinary . Romiszowski & Mason (1996 ) predicts the use of " Computer - based Multimedia Communication ( CMC ) . Of the forecast and the views of scholars above it can be concluded that with the influence of globalization , the future of education will be more open and two-way , diverse , multidisciplinary, and productivity related to work " on the spot " and competitive .

Development trends and implications of education in Indonesia in the future are : 1 . Development of open education by distance learning mode ( Distance Learning ) . 2 . Resource sharing between agencies with education / training within a network . 3 . The use of interactive information technology devices , such as CD - ROM Multimedia , in education gradually replace TV and Video . DISTANCE LEARNING With the development of information technology in education , so when it is already possible to place a distance learning by using the internet to connect between students and lecturers , see the value of online students , financial checks , view class schedules , send the task given lecturers and so on , all of it had to do. A major factor in distance learning which has been considered a problem is the lack of interaction between faculty and students . However, with the internet media is very possible to make the interaction between faculty and students in the form of real time ( real time ) or not . In the form of real time can be done for example in a chatroom , direct interaction with real audio or real video , and online meetings . Its not real time can be done by mailing lists , discussion groups , newsgroups , and bulletin board . With the above faculty and student interaction in the classroom may be replaced , although not 100 % . Material forms , exams , quizzes and other educational means can also be implemented into the web , like material made ​​in the form of faculty presentations on the web and can be downloaded by the students . Similarly, the exams and quizzes created by faculty can also be done in the same way . Administrative settlement can also be solved directly in the registration process , let alone supported with online payment methods . A web -based distance education , among others, should have the following elements : ( 1 ) student activities center ; as a web -based distance learning community should be able to make this facility as a place for student activities , which can increase the ability of students , reading course material , looking for information and so on . ( 2 ) The interaction within the group ; Students can interact with each other to discuss the materials provided lecturers . Lecturers can be present in this group to give a little review of the material provided . ( 3 ) student administration system ; whereby students can view information about the status of students , student achievement , and so on . ( 4 ) Study material and exam ; Usually professors often hold a short quiz and assignments aimed at deepening of what has been taught and do a test at the end of the study period . It should also be anticipated by web -based distance learning ( 5 ) Digital Libraries ; In this section , there are a variety of library information , are not limited to books but also on digital libraries such as sound , images and so on . This section is to support and shape database . ( 6 ) online material beyond the course material ; To support the lectures , reading materials are also needed from other web . Therefore in this section , faculty and students can be directly involved in providing other materials for publication to other students via the web .

  1. Miarso, Yusufhadi, 2005, Menyemai Benih Teknologi Pendidikan, Kencana, Jakarta
  2. Moerwanto, F.B, 2002, Mengenali Arti dan Manfaat Telematika, Jakarta

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